If you suffer from hearing loss, you are not alone. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, around 48 million people in the United States suffer from some degree of hearing loss. Even more alarming is the number of people experiencing the link between depression and hearing loss.
- Have you ever felt sensations of awkwardness or embarrassment because you failed to understand what others were saying?
- Have you ever cancelled or rescheduled a meeting with a friend due to the angst from meeting in a boisterous environment?
- When you take your hearing aids out, do you experience anxiety?
Because hearing loss is a health condition that impacts your everyday life, it can have a significant impact on your holistic well-being. Continue reading to learn more depression and hearing loss as well as other potential mental health conditions.
Depression and Hearing Loss
Depression is the leading cause of disability among adults affecting over 15 million, and hearing loss is the second. Both depression and hearing loss have been linked with social, personal, and economic problems.
The connection between depression and hearing loss is relatively simple: untreated hearing loss can impact your daily life and possibly lead to depression. According to Social Work Today, some of the common negative emotions experienced by people with hearing loss include:
- Awkwardness
- Inadequacy
- Embarrassment
People 50 and older that suffer from untreated hearing loss and hearing deprivation are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, frustration, paranoia, emotional instability, and anger than people who seek out effective hearing solutions.
However, the hearing specialists at North Shore Hearing PC offer several innovative hearing aids and solutions to help improve your hearing, which may combat the effects of depression.
Hearing Loss and Dementia
In addition to depression, many studies suggest hearing loss is a risk factor for dementia. Dementia is explained as a significant decline in thinking skills and memory that interferes with the individual’s ability to perform everyday functions.
Although researchers are still working to better define the exact link between dementia and hearing loss, the risk of increased depression, social isolation, and brain overload are amongst the most current theories.
Hearing Loss and Social Isolation
Whether they know it or not, many people experience social isolation in addition to hearing loss. It may start with cancelling intimate affairs to avoiding large parties.
If you suffer from hearing loss, dark environments, noisy venues, and large groups can make it more difficult to engage and hear conversations as well as contribute socially. Hearing solutions from North Shore Hearing P.C. are designed to help you re-engage socially and re hone your focus on creating relationships.
Hearing Loss and Anxiety
Your ability to hear is a key factor directly correlated to your overall sense of safety. If your ability to hear a siren, alarm, or someone calling you has decreased, it’s highly likely you have or will experience an increase in stress and anxiety. Whether you are taking care of a small child or are alone, not being able to hear can cause in an increase of uneasiness.
Does My Hearing Loss Need Treatment?
If you are on the fence about whether to get help for your loss of hearing, simply ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I shy away from social gatherings?
- Am I becoming increasingly isolated in my professional and personal life?
- Have my personal relationships suffered?
- Am I increasingly feeling unsafe while taking care of others or while alone?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, now is the best time to seek a solution for the core problem, which may be your hearing loss.
Contact North Shore Hearing PC
It’s important to understand there are several different degrees of hearing loss. Regardless of the extent of your hearing loss, the experts at North Shore Hearing PC can help. We offer a variety of styles and types of hearing aid devices designed to address your hearing loss, which may improve your overall mental health.
Contact North Shore Hearing PC today to schedule your free hearing screening.