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Hearing Aid

These Factors Impact Hearing Aid Lifespan

Did you know that several factors can impact hearing aid lifespan? Even so, hearing aids absolutely have the potential to improve daily quality of life for anyone considered an ideal candidate. In fact, it’s estimated most instances of hearing loss can be managed to some extent with appropriately fitted and adjusted hearing aids.

And while hearing aids today are designed with better durability in mind and often include advanced capabilities, certain factors can ultimately affect hearing aid lifespan. At North Shore Hearing P.C., we are proud to offer the best hearing aids from the leading manufacturers in the world.

To help you extend the life of and get the most from your hearing aids, we’ve outlined a few of the top factors that can dictate how long your devices last. Read on to learn more and don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at North Shore Hearing P.C.

Moisture, Wax, and Dust Can Impact Hearing Aid Lifespan

Hearing aid lifespan can be reduced if the device is regularly exposed to moisture over a period of time on a regular basis. The accumulation of earwax can also take a toll on hearing aids over time. Possible moisture sources include:

Dust can also affect how long hearing aids last. While you can’t completely prevent exposure to moisture, wax, and dust, you can take steps to keep your devices as dry, clean, and free of wax and moisture as possible. Start by getting into the habit of storing your hearing aids in a safe, dry place when not wearing them. It can also be helpful to:

  • Regularly and safely remove earwax
  • Minimize moisture exposure by using a dehumidifier
  • Properly dry and clean your hearing aids after water-based activities

The Technology Contained within Hearing Aids

A surprising factor that can affect hearing aid lifespan is technology. There’s no denying the many benefits associated with an iPhone or Android-compatible hearing aid or one that’s highly adjustable in different indoor and outdoor environments. However, all those tiny components and parts can also shorten a hearing aid’s lifespan.

What you can do to minimize this risk is to pay special attention to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure you are properly caring for your device. The team at North Shore Hearing, P.C. can also help you maximize the life of your hearing aids through inspections during regular visits.

Neglect Can Shorten Hearing Aid Lifespan

Hearing aids are less likely to last as long as intended if you’re not caring for them. Typically, this includes regularly cleaning your hearing aids with the right tools. This cleaning can include the removal of dirt, wax, and dust. It’s also a good idea to schedule regular appointments with an audiologist from North Shore Hearing. This way various parts can be checked and professionally adjusted or cleaned. An audiologist may also be able to extend the life of your hearing aids by:

  • Replacing battery doors or other parts showing signs of wear
  • Checking to see if external speakers or other hearing enhancement features need to be adjusted
  • Replacing parts that often become damaged or worn faster than other components, like wax guards and earmold tubing

On your end, make sure to pay attention to any home care instructions. Doing so can help you avoid habits that aren’t good for your hearing aids, such as leaving them out on your dresser overnight instead of in the protective case.

Your Preferred Hearing Aid Style

There are many different hearing aid styles and designs. However, as far as longevity goes, behind-the-ear (BTE) models tend to last longer than in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids. The reason is that BTE styles, which are still the most popular choice among hearing aid wearers, have most of their electronic parts outside of or away from the ear canal, so exposure to moisture and wax is reduced.

This doesn’t mean you have to shy away from non-BTE hearing aid styles— if this is what’s right for your needs and preferences. Regardless of your style, you can take preventative maintenance steps through regular care to extend the life of your hearing aids. In doing so, you’ll save money and increase your overall enjoyment.

How You Communicate Your Hearing Needs Over Time

It’s not unusual for hearing abilities to change over time, even when wearing a hearing aid. The good news is newer, programmable hearing aids are usually able to accommodate gradual changes in hearing needs. This being said, there may be times when your lifestyle habits change enough to affect how well your hearing aids work for you. If this happens, you may reach a point where your hearing aids are practically useless. With situations like this, it can be helpful to regularly communicate with a hearing aid specialist so appropriate adjustments or upgrades can be made or discussed.

Contact North Shore Hearing P.C

When it comes to extending the life of your hearing aids, the seasoned team at North Shore Hearing P.C. can and will help. In addition to hearing aid services, we offer complete audiological exams, baseline hearing tests, and many other services designed to help you experience your world as vividly as possible.

Contact North Shore Hearing P.C. today.