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Comparing Myringosclerosis vs Tympanosclerosis and Hearing Loss

Did you know that myringosclerosis, tympanosclerosis and hearing loss are related? While myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis are similar conditions that can affect your middle ear, only one can cause hearing loss. Continue reading to learn more about the connection between myringosclerosis, tympanosclerosis, and hearing loss from the hearing specialists at North Shore Hearing P.C..

What Is Myringosclerosis and Tympanosclerosis?

Myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis are similar conditions that can affect your middle ear and result in your eardrum appearing to be bright white. The whiteness of the eardrum is more related to deposits of calcium that form on the eardrum, which is medically called the tympanic membrane. The main difference between the two conditions is with myringosclerosis the calcium deposits only form on the eardrum.

While with tympanosclerosis the calcium deposits can form on the eardrum as well as the middle ear, myringosclerosis doesn’t have these types of symptoms. In addition, tympanosclerosis has been directly related to causing hearing loss.

What Causes Myringosclerosis and Tympanosclerosis?

Both diseases are thought to be the result of calcium formations whenever your normal hearing response fails to react normally. As a matter of fact, many medical professionals consider tympanosclerosis and myringosclerosis  as autoimmune diseases.

In addition to the creation of calcium deposits, the naturally translucent and thin eardrum may harden, thicken, lose its mobility, and lose its transparency. These reactions are considered to be the result of the middle ear chronic inflammation, which results in the production of extra tissue cells.  

At the same time, there are a several different conditions linked to tympanosclerosis and myringosclerosis:

  • Secretory otitis media
  • Serous otitis media and glue ear
  • Chronic fluid in the ear called otitis media
  • The surgical placement of ventilation tube
  • Chronic middle ear infections
  • Untreated middle ear infections

Additionally, repeated or severe rupturing of the ear drums or other cases of rare trauma have been linked to the development of myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis.

What Are the Symptoms of Myringosclerosis vs Tympanosclerosis?

Surprisingly, there are no symptoms associated with myringosclerosis. And the most common symptom of tympanosclerosis is conductive hearing loss. In most instances, hearing loss caused by tympanosclerosis is completely reversible or will improve significantly when the underlying condition has been treated. Even if the hearing loss isn’t reversible, North Shore Hearing P.C. offers a full range of cutting-edge hearing aids designed to restore your hearing.

How Are Myringosclerosis and Tympanosclerosis Diagnosed?

If you have either tympanosclerosis or myringosclerosis, these conditions are best diagnosed by a ear, nose, throat specialist or a hearing specialist. To properly diagnose you, the physician or hearing specialist will consider your entire medical history. Specifically, they will pay attention to whether you have a history of ear surgeries, infections, or fluid in the ear that may contribute to the development of either condition.

The medical professional will then examine your ears with an otoscope, which allows the practitioner to see into your eardrum. If the specialist can see thickening of the eardrum or white patches, the following steps and tests may be conducted to confirm or rule out a diagnosis:

  • A hearing test will be conducted to determine the type of hearing loss and whether hearing loss exists.
  • Tympanometry is a test performed with a tympanometer, which feels and looks like the otoscope. However, the tympanometer sends sound waves into your middle ear. When these sound waves bounce off the eardrum, the return is then documented as a graph like an audiogram.

Treating Tympanosclerosis & Hearing Loss

Because myringosclerosis doesn’t have symptoms, it doesn’t require treatment. However, if the  hearing loss you’ve experienced is significant, your tympanosclerosis may require treatment. The only treatment for this condition is surgery, which is directed at repairing your eardrum as well as any other structures in your inner ear involved.

During surgery, the surgeon will work to remove the portions of the ear drum that have hardened. If necessary, the surgeon may also need to correct the affected bones inside of the middle ear as well.

One common problem that exists is with the 3rd bone in the middle ear or a fixed stape, which without movement, sound will not be created. If this is the situation, the insertion of a prosthetic stape may be required. In the event your hearing loss isn’t restored following the operation, a hearing aid may be a helpful solution.

Contact North Shore Hearing P.C. Today

At North Shore Hearing P.C., we offer a full range of innovative hearing aid devices designed to help you experience your world more clearly. Contact North Shore Hearing P.C. today to schedule a free hearing screening.